What is Tooth Space Maintainer and How to Keep It in Your Smile?
May 1, 2023

What is Tooth Space Maintainer and How to Keep It in Your Smile?

What Is a Space Maintainer?

​A space maintainer in Frisco, TX, is a dental appliance that holds space in a child’s mouth when they lose a baby tooth prematurely. Ideally, when a baby tooth falls out earlier than expected due to trauma, decay, or other reasons, it can cause the teeth on either side of the gap to drift into the space. It can make it difficult for the permanent tooth to come in properly when it is time. A space maintainer helps prevent this by keeping the adjacent teeth from shifting and holding the space open until the permanent tooth can erupt. A space maintainer device can be permanent or removable, usually featuring metal or plastic. The dentist in Frisco will determine whether a space maintainer is necessary for your smile based on your unique needs.

Which Teeth Need Space Maintainer?

​Space maintainers are typically for treating children’s teeth. The baby teeth that often require space maintainers include:
  1. Primary molars – are the back teeth, typically lost around age 10-12.
  2. Premolars – come after the primary molars and serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. Premature loss of these teeth can cause problems with the alignment of the permanent teeth.
  3. Canine teeth – are the pointed teeth next to the front incisors.

Benefits of Wearing a Space Maintainer

Some of the key benefits of wearing a space maintainer for children are:
  1. Prevents teeth from shifting: After losing a primary tooth, the surrounding teeth may shift or drift into the space left by the missing tooth. The consequence can be crowding, misalignment, or other dental problems. A space maintainer holds the space open and prevents the remaining teeth from shifting, helping to maintain proper dental alignment.
  2. Promotes proper eruption of permanent teeth: A space maintainer will hold space for a permanent tooth that has not yet erupted properly. It guides the tooth into its proper position and prevents impaction or other complications.
  3. Reduces the need for orthodontic treatment: A space maintainer can reduce the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment later in life by preventing teeth from shifting and promoting proper tooth eruption. It will save you time and money in the long run.
  4. Preserves dental health: It is more difficult to maintain proper dental hygiene when you have crowded teeth. Further, it can lead to problems such as cavities or gum disease. By preventing teeth from shifting, a space maintainer preserves dental health and prevents these problems from occurring.

When Is the Right Time to Get Space Maintainers?

If you ask any dentist at Regina Y Powe DDS, their response will be the same about wearing space maintainers. We recommend placing a space maintainer soon after a primary tooth is lost to avoid complications such as crowding or misalignment of permanent teeth. However, we also acknowledge that the Ideal time to get a space maintainer depends on the individual case and the stage of dental development. Therefore, we must first evaluate your child’s teeth and determine if and when a space maintainer is necessary and when it should be placed. In general, if you lose a primary tooth before age 6 or 7, a space maintainer is necessary immediately to prevent future dental problems.

When Should Space Maintainer Be Removed?

​The timing for removing a space maintainer is different for each case. Usually, Pediatric dentists and orthodontists remove a space maintainer when it is no longer necessary to save space in the jawbone for a permanent tooth to erupt properly. Ideally, once the corresponding permanent tooth has erupted and is in its proper position, you can remove the space maintainer. Although it is typically between the ages of 10-13 for most children, the timing of eruption for each tooth will cause variations in how soon your child can get rid of the space maintainer in their mouth.

Contact Regina Y Powe DDS to Know More

You must seek dental care promptly if your child loses a primary tooth to get a clear answer regarding the best timing for space maintainers. Besides, delaying treatment can lead to more serious problems down the line. A dentist near you is on standby to advise you on the best course of action for your child’s situation when you book your appointment now.
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